Fallout shelter how to place mr handy
Fallout shelter how to place mr handy

For example, if rats attack you, the robot will rush to the rescue, and since it is not a human being, it will not displace the inhabitant from the room, that is, if there can be up to seven survivors in the room, the robot will take seventh place. Vault patrol - you just place it on the desired floor of the bomb shelter and it does everything for you, that is, it collects resources, prevents incidents and attacks. The first question is why is mister handy in Fallout shelter and the answer is quite simple - he is a helper for your settlers. Handy - what is he doing in Fallout Shelter? mister Handy will be an assistant both in the shelter and in the wastelands. In Game Fallout shelter robot assistant needed to perform all of the above functions, i.e. Some of them completely lost their minds, so to speak about the car, and just started killing all living things.

fallout shelter how to place mr handy

Everything changed with the outbreak of the war, and the peaceful housekeepers were retrained into companions of daring raiders and surviving wanderers.

fallout shelter how to place mr handy

Cooking, washing dishes, cleaning the house, ironing clothes is just a small list of the skills included in his program. Initially, this device was created to help housewives in their difficult business. In that guide we find out how in Fallout shelter get a robot mr.

Fallout shelter how to place mr handy